When Kentucky businesses thrive, so that we love to eat, work, and shop there, we all win.
1. Reform labor rights.
Small businesses and independent contractors are essential to our thriving society. They deserve fair access to our thriving economy, including right-to-repair policies and fewer crippling regulations that make them less competitive, such as prohibitive insurance and licensing requirements.
2. Three E’s for Eastern Kentucky: Energy, Education, Ecotourism
Appalachia is a vibrant, beautiful part of Kentucky’s tapestry of peoples. Left behind by an entrenched coal industry, destructive education policies, and apathetic elites, many of its people have resigned themselves to exist on welfare or worse, drug addiction. We can revitalize this amazing part of our state and set an example for what it means to transform a region mired in poverty and drugs. 1) Work for a just transition from coal to nuclear energy. 2) Flood the area with the broadband internet required to work remote jobs that pay a living wage, and then educate workers to fill those jobs. 3) Dream of and draw in development of sustainable tourism attractions that show off the best these people and their mountains have to offer.
3. Lower income taxes.
The Kentucky Democratic Party’s opposition to lowering the income tax is anti-business, anti-progress, and anti-society. The fact is that lowering the income tax benefits everyone with a job, especially in a state like Kentucky with a flat tax. Shifting to consumption taxes on luxury and optional goods and services shifts the tax burden to those most able to carry it.
Send a voice Frankfort will listen to, and let’s provide the workforce and tax policies our businesses need to thrive.